Epub⋙: The English Doctor's Baby (The Westerlings) by Sarah Morgan

The English Doctor's Baby (The Westerlings) by Sarah Morgan

The English Doctor's Baby (The Westerlings)

The English Doctor's Baby (The Westerlings) by Sarah Morgan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Alex Westerling is a brilliant doctor. He's committed, dedicated and has a magical touch with his patients. He's also never out of the newspapers and celebrity magazines, as he's an aristocrat with a string of women lining up behind him.…

That's until beautiful nurse Jenny Phillips turns up on his doorstep—claiming that her late sister's baby, cradled in her arms, is his child! Alex is certain he has never, ever set eyes on Jenny or her sister before! But Jenny is sure Alex is the father—until he can prove otherwise.

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