Epub⋙: Sticks and Stones (Orca Soundings) by Beth Goobie

Sticks and Stones (Orca Soundings) by Beth Goobie

Sticks and Stones (Orca Soundings)

Sticks and Stones (Orca Soundings) by Beth Goobie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Jujube is thrilled when Brent asks her out. She is not so happy when the rumors start flying at school. Pretty soon her name is showing up on bathroom walls and everyone is snickering and sniping. When her mother gets involved, Jujube's reputation takes another hit. Deciding that someone has to take a stand, Jujube gathers all the other girls who are labelled sluts--and worse--and tries to impress on her fellow students the damage that can be done by assigning a label that reduces a person to an object.

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