Epub⋙: Hurricane Gold (James Bond Adventure, A) by Charlie Higson

Hurricane Gold (James Bond Adventure, A) by Charlie Higson

Hurricane Gold (James Bond Adventure, A)

Hurricane Gold (James Bond Adventure, A) by Charlie Higson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

James Bond is vacationing in Mexico at the home of ex flying ace Jack Stone when a hurricane hits. As the storm rages, a gang of thieves targets the contents of Stone's safe. Stone's children are kidnapped, and James embarks on a perilous rescue mission that leads him to L grimas Negras, a haven for deadly criminals. James will have to use all of his cunning to outwit their leader, El Hurac n. But the only way off the island is through a treacherous maze, La Avenida de la Muerte. On this terrifying trail of greed and betrayal, only danger is guaranteed . . . survival is not.

Contains a sneak peek at By Royal Command, book five in the explosive Young Bond series, coming May 2010!

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