Grading and Staging in Gastroenterology by Guido N. J. Tytgat, Stefaan H.A.J. Tytgat
Grading and Staging in Gastroenterology by Guido N. J. Tytgat, Stefaan H.A.J. Tytgat PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Staging and grading are indispensable in reaching an adequate diagnosis, to determine disease severity, to choose an appropriate therapy, and to assure the best patient care and quality of life, but up to now no one source in gastroenterology has existed. Gastroenterologists, gastrointestinal surgeons, and fellows-in-training in gastroenterology will therefore immediately recognize the practical value of Grading and Staging in Gastroenterology - a comprehensive and systematic overview of all the current and most relevant information regarding grading and staging in gastroenterology - now selected and compiled for the first time in a single volume.
Organized into three sections - Instruments for Overall Patient and Disease Assessment ; Organ and Disease-related Staging and Grading Systems, and Quality of Life Patient Assessments - readers have the option of using as an overall reference, to refer to a specific organ or disease, or by virtue of the extensive subject index, to research according to specific instrument or other relevant topics.
The following timesaving and didactic features further enhance the usefulness, and whether you are a clinician or surgeon, responsible for training, involved in research including setting up research trials, or require deeper understanding of evidence-based studies you will find making this compendium a part of your gastroenterology library a smart investment.
- Uniform presentation -- each of the grading and staging systems is anchored in a strict text structure which includes aims, comments, and exact reference
- Precise and unobtrusive explanatory notes (comments) -- especially useful for nurse practitioners
- Numerous supplementary, high-quality line drawings, and endoscopic, radiologic and histological images -- clarify and elucidate where appropriate
- Complete and accurate reference of all original sources respective to each instrument -- saves valuable research time
Grading and Staging in Gastroenterology is for all gastrointestinal professionals looking for an ideal guide into the myriad of staging and grading systems in gastroenterology.
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