Flying The Beech Bonanza by John Eckalbar
Flying The Beech Bonanza by John Eckalbar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The definitive book on flying Bonanzas...A must read! A Ph.D., ATP, three-time Bonanza owner and instructor for the American Bonanza Society's Proficient Pilot seminars, Eckalbar compares the specifications and handling qualities and of the 3 basic Bonanza models in this well-crafted book. Topics include aerodynamics, routine operations, weight and balance limitations, performance specifications, and in-depth engine analysis. The book also covers the airspeed and g-load limits of the Beech Bonanza, instrument flying techniques, numerous chart and equations giving drag characteristics, and more. Its a must for anyone who owns, or is thinking of buying a Bonanza. Packed with interesting and important information: How much help are flaps in getting over a 50-foot obstacle? Does it really pay to cruise climb in a Bonanza? What airspeed and rpm yield emergency maximum range? Does it make sense to run lean of peak? What is the optimum altitude for a trip of 200 or 600 miles? How should you adjust your turbulent air penetration speed for light weights? How do the performance, handling, and loading characteristics of the four Bonanzas vary? How can two tail members do the work of three? From AOPA Pilot , April 1998 .....required reading for any Bonanza Pilot. From John Frank, founder of the Cessna Pilots Association Absolutely outstanding job. It is extremely well researched and reads in a manner that all pilots can understand...I think it is about time that someone had done this type of book for the Bonanza. I think it can be a major contribution to aviation safety. Author: John Eckalbar Format: Hardcover, 202 pages.From reader reviews:
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