Epub⋙: Windows 10 Simplified by Paul McFedries

Windows 10 Simplified by Paul McFedries

Windows 10 Simplified

Windows 10 Simplified by Paul McFedries PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Learn Windows 10 quickly and painlessly with this beginner's guide

Windows 10 Simplified is your absolute beginner's guide to the ins and outs of Windows. Fully updated to cover Windows 10, this highly visual guide covers all the new features in addition to the basics, giving you a one-stop resource for complete Windows 10 mastery. Every page features step-by-step screen shots and plain-English instructions that walk you through everything you need to know, no matter how new you are to Windows. You'll master the basics as you learn how to navigate the user interface, work with files, create user accounts, and practice using the tools that make Windows 10 the most efficient Windows upgrade yet.

This guide gets you up to speed quickly, with step-by-step screen shots that help you follow along with the clear, patient instruction.

  • Shed your beginner status with easy-to-follow instructions
  • Master the basics of the interface, files, and accounts
  • Browse the web, use media features, and send and receive email
  • Customize Windows to look and work the way you want

Learning new computer skills can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Even if you have no Windows experience at all, this visually rich guide demonstrates everything you need to know, starting from the very beginning. If you're ready to become fluent in Windows, Windows 10 Simplified is the easiest, fastest way to learn.

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