Epub⋙: Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Art Carpenter

Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Art Carpenter

Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques

Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Art Carpenter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques offers advanced SAS programmers an all-in-one programming reference that includes advanced topics not easily found outside the depths of SAS documentation or more advanced training classes. Art Carpenter has written fifteen chapters of advanced tips and techniques, including topics on data summary, data analysis, and data reporting. Special emphasis is placed on DATA step techniques that solve complex data problems. There are numerous examples that illustrate advanced techniques that take advantage of formats, interface with the macro language, and utilize the Output Delivery System. Additional topics include operating system interfaces, table lookup techniques, and the creation of customized reports.

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