Epub⋙: ADHD--Living Without Brakes by Martin Kutscher

ADHD--Living Without Brakes by Martin Kutscher

ADHD--Living Without Brakes

ADHD--Living Without Brakes by Martin Kutscher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This concise and highly accessible book contains everything that parents and busy professionals need to know about ADHD. The author describes the spectrum of ADHD, the co-occurring symptoms, and common difficulties that parents face. The rest of the book focuses on solutions, based around four rules. Rule number one is keeping it positive: punishments can change behavior, but only positive approaches can improve attitude. Rule number two is keeping it calm: it's difficult thinking clearly enough to solve problems logically if you are feeling overwhelmed. Rule number three is keeping it organized: this rule relates particularly to the child's school life. Rule number four is to keep doing rules one to three. Finally, Dr. Kutscher discusses the role of medication for treating ADHD. The concluding chapter summarizes the information covered and can also be read as a complete, freestanding text. Useful checklists and further reading recommendations are also included. Realistic and optimistic, this book is the ideal source of information and advice for parents and professionals who are trying to keep up with children who are living without brakes.

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