Epub⋙: Bubble World by Carol Snow

Bubble World by Carol Snow

Bubble World

Bubble World by Carol Snow PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Freesia Summers lives on the island of Agalinas, a hidden Pacific paradise somewhere off the coast of California. She has everything a girl could want: her own ocean-view balcony, a pink itty car, singing peacocks, and a magical bubble that lets her talk to her besties and keep track of her de-vicious clothes.

If Freesia's life seems too good to be true, well, there's a reason for that. And when a blackout lands her in an unbeautiful place -- and in an equally unbeautiful but oddly familiar body -- reality hits her head-on. Freesia is not who she thought she was, and her world will never be the same. Reality, in her opinion, is hugely overrated.

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