Epub⋙: The Affair: Week 5 by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 5 by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 5

The Affair: Week 5 by Beth Kery PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


How much is too much? For a man and woman in love the question could come with a devastating price as New York Times bestselling author Beth Kery's The Affair continues...

The Affair Week Five 

Emma's increasingly intense affair with Montand is illuminated when she discovers some revealing and unsettling secrets about his past--about his hell-bent youth, about the tragic fate of his first wife, and about how cursed his seemingly blessed life really is. It leads Emma to wonder ...what kind of man is she falling so dangerously in love with? He's dominating her world with luxuries she's never dreamed of and introducing her to decadent sensual pleasures, but he'll soon walk away. When does it go beyond an exquisite sexual control of her body, into a manipulation of her fragile emotions?

Emma is an addiction Montand can't resist, and he's learning there's no rest for his dark soul when they're apart. At all costs, he must convince her to join him for wicked weeks of jeus sauvages on the French Riviera. She's promised him that she's his, afterall, and Montand expects nothing short of total possession of her for their rapidly fading time together.

Includes a bonus excerpt of Beth Kery's Since I Saw You 

More to come. Don't miss The Affair: Week 6 

Praise for Beth Kery, Recipient of the All About Romance Reader Poll for Best Erotica

"Wicked good storytelling."--Jaci Burton

"Addictive and delicious."--USA Today 

Beth Kery is the New York Times bestselling author of Because You Are Mine, When I'm with You and Exposed to You. 

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